Our Services


With rapid Industrialisation there has emerged a need for effective air pollution control systems to protect health and preserve nature. Flowtherm has collaborated with industry leaders in air pollution control systems to provide cost effective and technologically advanced solutions.

All standard Pollution control equipments are fabricated MS/SS, Welded Construction and designed for internal pressures. Support structures are designed for the full weight of the collector with all components plus the anticipated dust load.

We would like to introduce our Indigenously Developed equipments

Cyclone Separator
Trema Type Cyclone Separator
Mechanical Dust Collector
Bag Filter
  • Cyclone Separator
  • Trema Type Cyclone Separator
  • Mechanical Dust Collector
  • Bag Filter

Flowtherm serves leading names in the energy, Steel Industry, Iron Foundries, Industrial Boilers, Coal Handling, Food and Pharmaceutical Industry, etc.