Our Services

Boiler Erection(IBR Approved)

Flowtherm is one of the fastest growing company in the field of construction and commissioning of boiler plants. We help our clients from step one to completion of the project by providing services like selection of site, technology, design and cost estimation. We maintain the highest standard of quality in any type of turnkey projects.

Our qualified and experienced team of engineers are specialized in Erection of Steam Boilers, their auxiliaries, Piping, Chimney and Balance of Plant, etc. Our dedicated team of supervisors and technicians are committed to Safety, Quality and Time Schedules and they are regularly updated in these aspects.

We have certified welders and skilled fitters who possess vast knowledge of stick and arc welding procedures Radiography of welds in plates and tubes are carried out by the authorised inspecting agencies with the help of portable X-Ray machine. Films may be inspected by the Inspection agencies or our technicians to assure compliance to codes and specification


  • Understanding Customer Needs
  • Designing the Solution
  • Pricing & Terms
  • Project Management
  • Deployment
  • Support & Maintenance